Immigration Resources
Servicing Alexandria and Annandale
- Immigration Court Address List
- Immigration Bond Payment Locations
- CPS and DSS Resources (English)
- CPS and DPSS Resources (Español)
Uncontested Divorce Eligibility
To qualify for an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse must reach a divorce settlement agreement that includes all of the legal issues involved in ending your marriage, including:
- child support, if you and your spouse have minor or dependent children
- how you will share custody, parenting time, and parenting responsibilities for those children
- whether one of you will pay the other spousal support (alimony) and, if so, how much and for how long
- how the two of you will divide your marital property (including who will keep any pets)
- how the two of you will allocate responsibility for paying back your and debts owed, and
- the legal reason (or “ground”) for your divorce.
Additional Resources
- Document Translation Provided at Escobar Law Offices
- Notary Public Services Provided at Escobar Law Offices